Shortage of food ruled out

SIX months of food stocks are available in the country, Industry, Commerce and Tourism Minister Zayed Alzayani has pledged, writes Raji Unnikrishnan.

The contingency measure is part of national efforts to limit the spread of the Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19).

The minister, who dismissed public fears of a possible lockdown, said there was no need to “panic” and there was no “shortage” of food.

“Our land borders are open and we cannot stop people from coming and going,” said Mr Alzayani at a Press conference at the Crown Prince Centre for Training and Medical Research.

“What can be most harmful to us at this stage is panic; at this moment there is no need to prevent people from going to shops or malls.

“We are monitoring the situation, based on which decisions are taken and if there is a development, we may move to other decisions.

“As directed by the Crown Prince, the authorities concerned have been assigned to make sure that enough food stock is available for a period of no less than six months.

“There is no shortage (of food commodities).”

He noted that he held two meetings with traders in the food segment as well as the Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) to ensure food security in the country.

“We are going through a critical stage but we cannot expect this phase to affect the country’s economic growth,” he said.

“We are working closely with the BCCI to ensure the availability of food commodities.

“There is no reason to panic and we are working with all the 10 committees of the BCCI to find out the challenges of each sector and then addressing them.

“The commodities in stock will include staples like rice and sugar,” he said.

On the decision regarding gatherings of not more than 150 people, Mr Alzayani explained it meant a group of that number within one closed place and does not include a place like a shopping mall.

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