From Spaces Within

From Spaces Within

With the evolution of technology over the last few decades, our social behaviour has gotten redefined to the extent that we have nearly lost all touch with what we did when life was not so wired.

The generations hence forth would have had to only rely on literature to make a higher sense of life. Without doubt thoughtful literature has always stood the test of time and lived through generations.

Perhaps for such times that stretch thin our patience and persistence to stay calm amidst life’s worst storm. While media overflows with concerns related to corona virus, there is another side to this story that needs equal attention.

The throttling back of work and social life has intensified our focus to our confinement.

We need to unlearn being masters of our spoiled indulgent social behaviour that constantly made us choose who-when-where-how long- what basis we needed to interact with anyone, to learn to be social in pure sense with those in our immediate environment.

Let us be considerate to the needs of all those around us. Let us reflect on life and seek our true self.  In these pensive moments, indeed we may also find answers to those crucial questions related to man, nature, and all existence about life.

Come, let us make yet another history from spaces within.

And people stayed home
and read books and listened
and rested and exercised
and made art and played
and learned new ways of being
and stopped
and listened deeper
someone meditated
someone prayed
someone danced
someone met their shadow
and people began to think differently
and people healed
and in the absence of people who lived in ignorant ways,
dangerous meaningless and heartless
even the earth began to heal
and when the danger ended
and people found each other
grieved for the dead people
and they made new choices
and dreamed of new visions
and created new ways of life
and healed the earth completely
just as they were healed themselves.

These lines which so apply to our times were written by Kathleen O’Meara in 1869. How ironic that she too died of pneumonia.  

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Work hard and enjoy the journey. Learn from all you meet in life's travel. Every one you pass by has something to give you. Receive it with grace. ....Read more


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