Action call as young defy gatherings ban

Young people are defying a government ban on gatherings of more than five people aimed at helping combat the spread of the Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19), it has emerged, writes the GDN's Mohammed Al A'Ali.

They are gathering in smaller groups to race in cars or on motorbikes and quad bikes on public roads, causing noise, disturbance and putting lives in danger.

Authorities announced on Sunday that under the 2018 Public Health Law anyone refusing to follow measures introduced to prevent the spread of a disease can be punished with no less than three months in jail and a fine of between BD1,000 and BD10,000, or both.

MPs and municipal councillors have urged the Interior Ministry to raid known places where the youngsters gather to indulge in illegal activities.

Several residents have complained that they are being robbed of their peace of mind and rest, especially when they have been ordered to stay home.

Parliament public utilities and environment affairs committee vice-chairman Ahmed Al Demistani said crime in Bahrain has dropped drastically since measures were taken to contain the spread of Covid-19, but youths have been taking advantage of the regulations.

“The rule bans gatherings of five or more people but we see the youths gathering in fours,” he said.

“They are making noise and causing disturbances, while endangering their lives as well as that of others as they race, skid and manoeuvre with their vehicles – licensed and unlicensed.”

Northern Municipal Council vice-chairman Yaseen Zainal said it was time to bolster patrols to combat the unacceptable behaviour by youths.

“The thinking that gatherings under five are not punishable is another danger besides reckless driving that those youths are putting themselves in and others on the road in – possibly medics or others on duty going to work,” he said.

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