MPs support proposal on rents reprieve

MPs have voted in favour of a proposal to exempt tenants of government-owned properties from paying rent for three months, the GDN reported today.

It was unanimously approved during Parliament’s weekly session yesterday and was among seven urgent proposals presented as solutions to offset the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Only one of the proposals was rejected, which suggested to form a shelter for undocumented immigrants, known as “free visa” workers, who surrender themselves voluntary for deportation.

MPs said the government should not be responsible for helping individuals who have breached the law, despite concerns they could spread the coronavirus.

The other urgent proposals that were approved and referred to the government for review are:

  • Giving time-off to parents and caretakers of children with disabilities due to the closure of rehabilitation and education centres.
  • Preventing rehabilitation and education centres for the disabled to collect fees, which range between BD270 and BD340 a month, during the suspension of classes.
  • Deferring instalments of housing loans and work-related loans for six months.
  • Deferring instalments of all government loans for six months.
  • Allow the government to pay financial commitments based on court orders for six months from Zakat or other charitable coffers.

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