Herbs tea, Green tea, Red tea or even White tea have alots of benefit to humans health not only that tea plays an important role in many world cultures, from the centuries old rituals of Japanese tea ceremonies to the popularity of afternoon tea in London.
While your tea brews, sip on these tea terms that has been briefly explaine on www.tealovergiftbaskets.com :
Antioxidants - What are Antioxidants?
Caffeine Free Tea - What is Caffeine Free Tea? Caffeine Free Tea is tea that naturally does not contain caffeine. Rooibos and Herbal Teas are caffeine free teas.
Darjeeling - What is Darjeeling? – pronounced dar (like car that we drive) jee (gee like gee whiz) ling (ling like it sounds ding a ling). Tea Estates in this district in North East India, grow tea by the same name. Sometimes called the Champagne of Teas, this black tea has a unique flavor that cannot be duplicated anywhere else in the world.
Decaffeinated Tea - What is Decaffeinated Tea? Decaffeinated Tea is a tea that would naturally contain caffeine but has been processed to have at least 98% of the caffeine removed. Decaffeinated teas are usually identified in their name, for instance, Decaffeinated Earl Grey or Decaffeinated English Breakfast .
Flush - What is a flush? - the new growth of tea leaves that make up a harvest. Generally a first flush is in the Spring. This is the first harvest of tea in the year. If it is important to the tea, usually the name of the tea or the type of tea or in the description of the tea, the flush can be determined. The Chamong Tee Group Estates, in Assam and Darjeeling, India have four flushes – four times per year they harvest tea – Spring, Summer, Autumn and Monsoon (after the rains).
Herbal Tea - What is Herbal Tea? Herbal tea is not a true tea in that it does not contain the leaves of the camellia sinensis plant. Herbal tea can be blended with herbs, spices, fruits, flowers, nuts, chocolate, bark and other natural ingredients. None of the ingredients used to make herbal tea contain caffeine, so it is naturally decaffeinated. If the tea label does not identify the tea as herbal, you will be able to discern whether or not a tea is an herbal tea by reading the ingredients label. An herbal tea infusion is sometimes called a Tisane (tiz - an).
Pyramid Tea Bags – These tea bags allow larger or whole leaf teas to expand more fully as they steep developing their flavor more fully.
Rooibos - What is Rooibos? (‘roy’- as in the name, ‘bus’ as in school bus or ‘bose’ as in boast without the ‘t’ sound) Rooibos is an herbal tea because it is not made from the leaves the camellia sinensis plant (so is naturally caffeine free). It is made from the leaves of a plant grown only in South Africa. It looks and tastes much like tea and can be enjoyed similiarly. The word ‘rooibos’ means red bush because of the color of the plants leaves. Rooibos actually has more antioxidants that green tea.
Tisane - What is a Tisane? an herbal tea infusion. See herbal tea. It is more often pronounced like Susanne with the s being a z sound and the tis sounding like tiz as in she is excited and in a tizzy. It can also be pronounced with a long a sound - tiz ane, the ane to sound like cane.