Modernity has given us much to feel happy about, really?
Excitement and tension in abundance, but not much peace and happiness.
Material comforts may have increased tremendously but so has emotional sickness. The mind wavers and wanders aimlessly and the spirit lies deep asleep in darkness.
Science and technology have delivered to humanity, great gifts of physical health and material prosperity. Unfortunately, prosperity tends to make us arrogant and disrespectful. We forget we are human and come to believe we are gods.
When we believe we are like gods, we can either blossom into the Divine or we can regress into darkness. Generally speaking, we have been disrespectful not only of ourselves, but also of Humanity and Creation.
We live unnaturally, disrespecting, destroying, consuming or damaging everything we can in nature, just for the heck of it.
The law of Karma applies to everyone. Simply put, 'Whatever goes around comes around'.
Law of Karma states, every action will produce consequences related to that action. If we disrespect we will be disrespected, if we destroy we will be destroyed.
Life as we humans know, has almost come to a total standstill, thanks to the latest crisis.
But this has happened before. We have to remember each time it happens that,
In a conflict between Humans and Nature, Nature always wins.
In cooperation between Humans and Nature, Humans always win.
Written and Posted: April 2020 by ~ Gurvinder Singh.
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