Why do we judge people?

Why do we judge people? 
This question is important to be asked by each one of us. We have acquired the skill of judging people and we are doing it continuously in our daily life.   
When we see people, we judge them based on their appearance, what they eat, what they wear, whom they hang out with, how they live, or when they do something wrong based on our standards.
Ironically, we forget that judging people impacts negatively on the person who judges and the society as well. 
When was the last time you judged someone? 
Have you ever asked yourself this question, who am I to judge people? Why do I believe that all people must follow my standards? From where did I come up with those standards? What about their rules and standards for themselves? Who has given me the right to judge people? The society? My religion? Or my ego? Why do I have to judge people while they are not hurting me or anybody in the society? Each one of us must answer these questions in order to know ourselves more. 
I believe sometimes we forget that only God can judge us, and we are here to accept, help, support, and love each other to make this world a safer place to everyone. Many people have been killed or forced to commit suicide because they did not seem to fit their society’s standards. Many wars  took place because people wanted to impose their beliefs on others  as they thought they were right, and others were wrong.
Finally,  it is quite funny that, when people judge us, we become upset and say: “That’s none of your business!” Yet, we do the same to other people, without knowing them, their stories, or what they’ve gone through in their life.
Everything in this world will become better if we stop judging each other. Let’s deal with each other as human beings and learn from our differences regardless of our gender, nationality, race, color, etc. We are living on the same planet and there’s enough space for each one of us, so live and let others live as well.
By Amna Ahmed Ghuloom Ali (a student at Bahrain Teachers College.)

  • Sayhawatpu   6/21/2021 3:11:04 PM

    Awesome. More Amna! :)

  • Neesha   7/1/2020 11:58:13 PM

    That’s so awesome dear ❤️ Beautiful perspective !

    • Amna

      Thank you Dr❤️. I genuinely appreciate your time and support❤️.

    • Amna

      Thank you Dr❤️ I genuinely appreciate your time and support❤️.

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