
It's a very strange time in the world as we find ourselves sitting at home watching blockbuster movies in the comfort of our own homes. Greyhound is one of those blockbusters that I think I would have gone to the cinemas to watch. Starring Tom Hanks in yet another Sea/ Ship/ War movie, the film is a historic lesson of what happened in World war 2 in which convoys of supply ships are escorted by warships, as they crossed the Atlantic no mans land, facing the enemy head on as they delivered precious cargo for the Frontline. This movie is basically War Porn. From start to end it feels like it is a wet dream for someone that is knowledgeable about warfare and how the Navy operates. Throughout the movie, it feels like a big budget foreign film as the language feels foreign, but in reality is English, just all technical Navy speak. In between flanking the left rudder and turning the ship x degrees, there are some phenomenal action scenes depicting Navy warfare at its most hectic time. The film is intense and something you expect from any modern day war movie, however where it loses me, is the detachment of Tom Hanks character with the personal side of War. Although he's acting is exceptional, you don't seem to feel empathy for the character because he doesn't show any empathy towards his crew. I felt a little torn I was watching this movie I couldn't feel empathy for the characters but felt tense and involved with what was going on. It was a good movie but not a great movie, I think watching this in the cinema would have enhanced my experience.

Go for it!
Don't miss it!
Must watch!

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#Wish me on 07-Nov🎂
#Now @Bahrain
#English Paesinaalum தமிழன் da.

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