“Hurry up, Jake”, said a bright and cheerful girl.
“Just a minute, Jasmine”, said Jasmine’s twin brother who was a very lazy person.
Jake and Jasmine was finally going to their grandparent’s house as their parents were going on business trip. They loved their grandparent’s house as it was country side.
After some preparation they left their house and travelled towards the country side. Jasmine was listening to music and was drawing sketches whereas Jack was sleeping. After some hours they finally reached the countryside, Jasmine was very excited that she even woke up Jake (which rarely happened).
“What happened? Have you gone mad?” Jack asked in an astonished voice.
Jasmine explained that they would arrive at grandpa’s house in 10 minutes. Jack also became excited by hearing that.
In no time the car arrived at the front gate. Jack and Jasmine went running and hugged their grandparents.
Their grandparents welcomed them and helped the kids carry their luggage to their room.
While their grandmother and mom went to make lunch and their grandfather and father were talking, Jack and Jasmine were unpacking their belongings in their rooms.
After unpacking they hurried down to eat lunch. After eating lunch they cracked jokes and had a fun time.
Next day, Jack and Jasmine woke up early as their parents were leaving to the airport.
They hugged and said goodbye to their parents the last time before they went inside the car and headed towards the airport.
After their breakfast they harvested the crops, collected eggs and milk and played with horses. They had a lot of fun time with their grandparents.
After some days their grandpa called them to clean the attic with him. While cleaning the attic, Jack found a box which belonged to his mother.
He opened it and saw an old dairy, a chain and a map. Jasmine was curious about what Jake found so she opened the map and saw it was a treasure map.
“Grandpa, is this a treasure map?” asked Jasmine.
Grandpa replied, “Yes dear, it is a treasure map, I and Charlotte (Jack and Jasmine’s mother) tried to find it but no use.”
Jack became so excited, “What do you think would be the treasure, grandpa?”
Grandpa started a long story. “One day when my great grandfather was farming he saw a beautiful diamond in the field. The diamond was then passed through many generations. My brother was once playing treasure hunting with his friends in the field. My brother hid the diamond somewhere and made some clues for his friends to find it. But my brother died due to some disease and the diamond secret died with him.
"After some years I started searching for it with your mother’s help. But we came to an end after finding 3 clues and one locket.”
Jack and Jasmine looked surprised and asked their grandpa if they could go treasure hunting but their grandpa suggested it would be better if they go tomorrow as it was dark outside.
Next day Jasmine and Jake were very excited as they were treasure hunting with their grandpa.
Jake asked grandpa, “Grandpa, what was the last clue you found?”
Grandpa replied, “It was a riddle ‘You will find the last at the shadow of the past’.”
They all thought for a while. Jasmine asked, “Grandpa, you said that your brother would hide it somewhere in the field.” Grandpa nodded.
Jack had finally got the answer to the riddle. “It must be the shadow of the old banyan tree. It’s the oldest plant in the field.”
Grandpa and Jasmine appreciate Jack and headed towards the tree. They started searching the shadow of the tree. Jasmine saw something shiny in the mud, she removed the mud and saw a symbol; she recognised the symbol as the same symbol of the locket. She informed Jack and grandpa.
Jack ran to the house and brought the locket. Jasmine took it from Jack and placed it in the symbol. Just then, a door opened it the trunk of the tree.
“Wow!” exclaimed Jasmine and Jack.
Jack took the box from the trunk and opened it. The diamond sparkled under the sun. Grandpa took the jewel and congratulated the twins on their great success. Grandpa promised them that one day they would be passed this jewel to keep it in safety.
They went and told their success to grandmother, who was overjoyed and made a big lavish dinner.
The twins enjoyed the day but were a little sad as they had to leave and head to their house in a few day time.
At last the day came when they had to tell goodbye to their grandparents.
They agreed that they had the best summer any kids could ask.
Sahana 7/17/2021 6:45:55 AM
Nice story..