‘‘The perfect man employs his mind as a mirror; it grasps nothing; it refuses nothing; it receives, but does not keep.”
- Chuang-tzu (4th Century B.C.E Chinese philosopher)
I avoid drivel and those that dish it out. It is impossible to know at first, but whenever one discovers sources and purveyors of ideology, triviality, negativity, toxicity, grumblers and general nonsense, one can simply block, ignore or avoid them.
If this was so simple then why do many of us keep on receiving and retaining crushing loads of information?
'FOMO' (fear of missing out), is the leading cause of people addicted to staying connected and being informed. As a result, humanity in general rather than progressing is regressing. That is possibly why the number one employer in the world today are the 'helping professions', that is people helping other people to cope.
Cope with what?
They are helping vast amount of the population to cope with self created misery by embracing nonsense and the inconsequential.
By not straining the conscious memory, one discovers greater capacity in one's intelligence and intellectual capabilities. More importantly one will experience the the evolution of the self, more successful yet peaceful and happy.
Now that is something worth realising, and therefore I observe my mind more than my possessions.