As I think about that fateful day two decades ago, I cannot for the life of me remember what I was doing on 11th September 2001, which I am sure cannot be said for most of those who lost someone in the 9/11 attacks.
I am sure that every single person whose life was affected that day can recall with absolute clarity what they were doing when they first heard the news, and their stunned disbelief and horror as they realized that their loved one was smack-dab in the midst of the mayhem. Thousands of victims who never got the chance to say goodbye to their families and friends, pregnant women and their unborn children who died on that horrific day; mothers who never got the chance to hold their babies and lives that never got the chance to grace this earth.
It makes me appreciate every single moment of my life, especially the family I take for granted. How many times have I got angry with my mother and left home in a huff? What if that was the last time I ever got to see her and the last memory of us together was one of anger? Life is too short and we do not really know what might just be around the corner? No one is immune to the cruel hand of fate, and the frailty of life needs to be acknowledged. I personally used to be disinterested when I heard these kind of stories because it did not really affect me, but lately I feel empathy and an emotional connection as I imagine myself in that exact situation.
This has made me value those near to me as I contemplate how lost I would be without them in my life. Think. About. It. This past year and a half has made me realize how many people I knew well or had a nodding acquaintance with who have departed from this mortal coil, either through Covid-19 or some other natural causes. It makes me miserable to think of faces that I will never see or friends that I will never share a smile or a joke with ever again. I used to take life for granted, but not now and nevermore. Every day I take the opportunity to tell my mother how much I love her and the future we have to look forward to. This way I can reassure her that she is not a burden. I only realized this last week as I was tucking the blanket around her and she said, “I’m sorry to trouble you. Thank you.” Feeling the tears welling up but holding them at bay, I choked, “There’s no need for thanks where there is love and family, especially after all that we have been through together, always have and always will be.”
Life is so unpredictable, more so now perhaps than ever before, so we should cherish and be grateful for all those around us. When all is said and done, at the end of the day, is there anything better than going home to your dear ones where their love and care (and even the bickering) never fails to keep you cocooned in warmth and affection?