I was having a casual chill and lazy Friday last week and I received a call from my sister informing me that a couple of German Shephard puppies were found abandoned near a supermarket and they needed someone to give them a little bath. I admit, I was apprehensive at first because puppies and water always spelled disaster for me when combined together hahah.. I decided to go anyways and have a little fun. Turns out it was the best decision I made ! They were two tiny puppies (not more than two months old) and they were siblings - a boy and a girl. I had so much fun bathing them and cuddling them and getting all splashed with them .. and then I wrapped the boy in a towel (I decided to call him Duke - however I was outvoted and he is now called Tigger). I found a swing nearby and sat down with the little puppy and just chilled, took in the positive vibes as the little one snuggled in his towel burrito and fell asleep..
Remember to be kind to these voiceless creatures - it doesn't take much out of you and it means the world to them.