Plea for pet owners
I am saddened to see that number of abandoned pets are increasing day by day in the Kingdom .
I want to share my plea to pet owners .
Last summer one mother cat left her little kitten in my garden . I fed the kitten bread and milk .
But then I read on internet that milk is not good for cats and they are primarily carnivorous.
Me being vegetarian couldn’t do much . So I called up some of the animal shelters wondering if
anyone can keep the kitten , but all of them were already above capacity. Actually, for the last
couple of years , I have been noticing countless abandoned pets on the roads of Kingdom.
People buy pets by paying huge amounts to breeders. It is sad to see them abandoning their
pets when they move . The pets get traumatised as it’s difficult for them to cope . I feel that the
breeders should be banned till all the abandoned pets are adopted. Also , registration number
of pets be stamped on the passport of owner , so that they cannot just leave their pets on road
and move to another place .
I request all the pet owners and animal lovers to adopt a pet and if they can’t take their pet along
with them , than not to own one .
“When I look into eyes of an animal I do not see an animal . I see a living being . I see a friend .
I feel a soul”.