The world would not yet be complete
Until love called you here.
The Creator shaping every oddity,
Perfection it would appear.
We extend that warmth of love to others
to keep them safe, to hold them near,
Now wrap that cloth of love around yourself
When you look at your own reflection, my dear.
Because you were created in His image,
Shrouded in a beam of light.
It still glows softly you know,
I see it in your eyes when they twinkle bright.
Use those eyes to seek, not outwardly,
but look deeply to what’s within.
Fill that void with love,
For you’ll find it’s there, where life truly begins.
And when that hole is filled
With love of yourself as you are,
The excesses will venture out
spreading that love near, wide and far.
When cupid took aim and shot his arrow,
releasing his finger from the bow,
you were that gift, divinely made,
Your life, your spirit and your perfect soul.
Roshan 2/12/2022 11:28:52 PM
Beautiful poem about learning to love oneself and sharing the light from within to others.