Fundamental questions to answer to achieve goals.

When one climbs up to a summit one can look back and see the path taken and review the successes, failures and the lessons learnt.
What hindered success and appeared difficult then, now in hindsight appear easy and obvious.

One asks, why did some of us succeed while others straggle behind and others collapsed on the path to the summit of success.
Success is achieving what one set out to achieve.

It is a journey.
And like all journeys, we need to know the starting point and the destination. We need to know how we will make that journey, the route to achieving the objectives. Finally we need to know what we will need in terms of equipment, resources, skills, knowledge, networks etc. and how we will get them.

Too eager for action, supremely confident of themselves most individuals and organisations not only fail to plan they rarely address the fundamental questions.
Where are we? (Reality check)
Where do we want to go? (Set the goals and milestones)
How do we want to get there? (Tactics and Planning)
What do we need to get there? (Obtaining and mobilising resources)

These steps appear obvious, yet it eludes the majority. as a result failure is guaranteed even before starting.

It is easy to be impressed by bluster, glitter, pomp, money and style, but the devil is in the details.

Suppose we want to go on a journey.
We would need to know where we are, (point A).
We need to know where we are going, (point B).
We need to know how we are going to get from point A to point B
We must be able to verify whether we are making progress towards our destination point B and make course correction.

It's shocking, that most managers, owners, and so called leaders often cannot answer these fundamental questions. What then would be the future of any organisation under such leadership?

Not everyone is born to lead and sometimes we have to to be good team members working along with a good leader. We have to be careful of the choice of leader, for we often support someone with just charisma, but that by itself is insufficient. Leaders who possess, capability, integrity, agility, capacity for envisioning, planning, detailing, ability to raise resources and effectively deploy with hard work and a dash of luck are inevitably almost always successful.

A goal without a well thought out plan is a fantasy.


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