Yamashita’s Adventure!
By Shafay Khattak
Long ago, there were huge clusters of clouds on top of Japan. In these clusters, colossal mystical beasts were trapped. They were the most furious dragons imprisoned by a mighty demon who even scarified his own life to keep these dragons entrapped. The demon’s name was Ban Yoshio.
Thirteen thousand years later, the giant dragons came up with an escape plan. They captured the soul of the demon and split it into half with its negative and positive sides. Using the souls, the dragons created the book of Tenjin. This book had immense power since the presence of demon’s spirit in it. The demon was an ultimate life form that was once higher than humans. The dragons could use this miraculous book as a weapon with a lot of spiritual force breaking the bars of the prison.
While this was happening in the clouds, a girl was born in a village in the north of Japan. She was named Yamashita Akemi. One of the souls got reincarnated into her and sadly it was the negative side. She caused mayhem to the village until the apprentice of a god put a curse on a necklace and put it on Yamashita to weaken her powers. Yamashita was a royal baby. Her mother was a queen and father was the king. Yamashita had Yoshio’s scar on her forehead.
Few years later, their greatest enemy, Kablai Khan, grandson of Genghis Khan bombarded Japan. The Japanese army was ruthlessly defeated. The whole village was imprisoned in the dungeons. However, Yamashita miraculously escaped. She had a vision about the dragon’s den and the powers of the book. Furthermore, the spirit of Ban Yoshio guided her to make the journey towards the dragon’s den.
Yamashita had to take a long tiring journey through the vast grasslands, thick jungles and muddy swaps before arriving at the dragon’s hall. She was quite small making it easy to sneak into the dragon den. On touching the book, the ring around her neck disintegrated. She transformed into a colossal and powerful demon to beat the dragons who were ready to set off on their journey towards Earth to battle humans and conquer Earth.
Having the powers of the book in her hand, she gracefully hovered down to Japan. The soldiers were charged and tried to slash her with their spears, but Yamashita was ready to fight back. She raised her hands to summon ethereal, pure light beings to fight with the Kablai's Army. The fight turned into a furious battle. Eventually, Japan triumphed! Kablai’s Army was imprisoned for eternity but the town was left shattered into pieces of rubble.
Ultimately, Yamashita lost her life while combatting the cruelest Army General. Nevertheless, she had saved the village and her people. But there was no real celebration of this glorious victory, only grief and sorrow surrounding the village. It was a remarkable sacrifice from a brave hearted soul and people remember her to this day.
The End!
Or Is It....