P&G strengthens Forest for Good initiative with tree-planting campaign in the UAE

Procter & Gamble (P&G) today accelerated its commitment to environmental sustainability at a tree planting activity attended by more than 75 employees at the P&G Dubai Mangrove Forest in Jebel Ali Wildlife Sanctuary. The event is the latest in a series of innovative ecological initiatives as part of P&G’s Forest for Good initiative in line with the Dubai 2040 Urban Master Plan which aims to expand green spaces to enhance the population’s well-being.

Himani Maharshi, HR Head, Middle East, Global Entrepreneur Markets & Sub-Sahara Africa at P&G said: “We are excited to participate in a tree planting event as a team and help bring nature back to life. P&G has undertaken multiple initiatives to help protect, improve and restore nature around the world. The #ForestsForGood program aims to inspire a movement to guide, educate and call for sustained action when it comes to environmental consciousness. P&G is committed to making a difference across its environmental footprint including becoming carbon neutral within this decade.”

Since last year, P&G has accelerated its commitment to strengthen progress towards its global Ambition 2030 goals. So far, we have planted over 34 forestation programs across the UAE, with more planned in future and across the region. This latest endeavour aims at engaging employees via the program to create a wider footprint for a greener future. Forests for Good is P&G’s initiative to actively protect nature by planting trees that help improve local ecosystems in line with the company’s global Ambition 2030 goals.

P&G has also set an ambition to achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across its operations and supply chain, from raw material to retailer, by 2040 globally. Its Climate Transition Action Plan covers the entire lifecycle emissions of its products and packaging, across supply chain, operations, consumer use of our products, and product end of life. This includes dedicated interim goals for 2030 to make meaningful progress this decade across P&G’s operations and consumer use phase of its products.

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