It was a phone call that I did not expect to receive even in my wildest dream. And yet, the minute I got that unexpected call from Manila in November 2014, I knew immediately that it would change my life forever.
I could feel my sister Karen’s voice shaking and becoming more desperate, as she was struggling for words to tell me the reason for calling me in the wee hours of the morning.
Karen would never call me unless something urgent had happened and now, I knew in my heart of hearts that she was about to give me bad news but I had no idea what it could be.
“Hello, Karen, is everything all right?” I asked anxiously.
“It’s Mommy!” Karen cried. “She collapsed this morning so we took her to the hospital.”
“Is she okay?” I asked tearfully.
“Don’t worry, “she said, “We are taking care of her. She’s still in the emergency room. I will keep you posted about her condition.”
“Please take her to the best hospital,” I told Karen. “I’ll take care of all the expenses for Mommy. I want to see her healthy and alive when I go back for vacation next year.”
Karen did exactly as I requested. Thank God, Mommy was released from the hospital after a week. I called Mommy daily just to check her condition and hear her voice.
One day, I was totally shocked when I saw how thin and sick Mommy looked on the screen of my mobile phone.
“Can you cook my favourite spaghetti for Christmas?” she asked weakly. “I want to see you this Christmas. Please come home…”
“Yes, Mommy, I promise,” I replied. “Please wait for me. I’ll be home for Christmas. I love you, Mommy.”
I flew back to the Philippines to visit my mom for Christmas. It was the best Christmas I had with Mommy. On New Year’s Day 2015, I said goodbye to Mommy tearfully. “Please wait for me,” I whispered. “I will visit you again soon.”
On January 28, Karen called me again and said, “We rushed Mommy to the hospital again. She is asking for you, Nanju.”
I did not sleep for the rest of that night. I was crying all night. Yesterday, I dreamt that I was walking in a strange cemetery. Then I suddenly stopped in front of a tombstone without a name but with a date clearly written on it—February 4, 2015. Was it a premonition? I was totally frightened.
I arrived in Manila on January 30 at 11:00 a.m. I immediately hailed a cab to the hospital where Mommy was confined.
The security guard told me,” Sorry Madam, you cannot enter because the visiting time is at 5pm.”
“Please, Sir, I want to see my Mom in Room 217,” I begged him, “She doesn’t have much time left.”
The security guard finally noticed that I had two pieces of luggage with me and asked, “Did you just return to the country?”
“Yes, Sir,” I cried. “I came all the way from Bahrain just to see my Mom.”
The security guard opened the door for me and I thanked him with all my heart.
I broke down in tears when I saw my Mom with Karen. Mommy opened her eyes and saw me for the first time. “Is it really you, Nanju?” She lifted her hand and I grasped it firmly. “Yes, Mommy, it’s me!” I replied. “Everything will be okay now.”
I continued to hold Mommy’s hand quietly. Karen and I stayed with Mommy for the next four days. I was dead scared, as February 4 was fast approaching. I finally told Karen about my dream. She wept and we just kept it to ourselves.
On February 4, Mommy asked Karen and me to stay with her the whole day. At noon, Mommy told us that she did not want to leave us.
I could see that Mommy was suffering immensely so I whispered to her, “Mommy, you can leave now if you have to. I am letting you go now—even though I will miss you terribly…”
Mommy smiled at me and we said our last goodbye. I kissed her and said, “Goodbye, I love you, Mommy!”
Josephine Reyes Francisco, passed away at age 77, on February 4, 2015, the exact date that I saw in my dream a few days ago.
It was truly weird how that date came to me in my dream. Maybe it was God’s way of preparing me for this moment.
On that day, I lost my greatest treasure in life. Despite my great loss, I felt contented, knowing that Mommy was no longer in pain and she is now in a better place with God.