Three Young Saudis Awarded Rhodes Scholarships to Study at Oxford

Riyadh—Haifa Alarrafah, Mohammed Alwelyee, and Yosef Bukhari have won the prestigious Rhodes Scholarships for Saudi Arabia this year.

They will be heading to the University of Oxford in October 2024 to join a cohort of more than a hundred Scholars from around the world to undertake fully funded post-graduate studies and become part of a strong community of young people determined to make a positive difference in the world.

The Rhodes Scholarship is the world’s preeminent and oldest graduate fellowship, based at the University of Oxford since 1903. The first Saudi Arabia Scholarship was established in 2018 with a gift from Mr Muhammad Alagil, and a second was added in 2020 with a gift from Abdulrahman Alagil Sons. The donors are co-founders of Jarir Bookstores and made their gifts in collaboration with the Saudi Ministry of Education. Education is one of the core elements of Vision 2030, the Kingdom’s ambitious blueprint for the future. The Rhodes Scholarships enable outstanding students from across the Kingdom to fully develop their skills and knowledge in the fields that will help Saudi Arabia achieve its goals under Vision 2030. This year, exceptional circumstances enabled the award of a third Rhodes Scholarship for Saudi Arabia.

Students from anywhere in the world can apply for a Rhodes Scholarship and many find that taking part in the rigorous selection process is a profoundly positive experience which leaves them well placed to go on to a Rhodes Scholarship or other opportunities worldwide.

The Rhodes selection process aims to choose young people with proven academic excellence who also show exceptional character, leadership, the energy to use their talents to the full and a commitment to solving humanity’s challenges. The selection process includes a rigorous review process before the finalists interview with a selection committee composed of renowned experts and leaders in diverse fields.

Rhodes Scholars form a lifelong community of people in many fields and careers, united by a commitment to having a positive impact on the world. This year’s winners continue this legacy of excellence.

Haifa Alarrafah is a clinical psychologist who earned her Bachelor of Science in Clinical Psychology from Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University in Riyadh in 2022. She recently acquired her clinical license following an internship at King Abdulaziz Medical City and King Abdullah’s Specialized Children’s Hospital, where she worked with both children and adults. Haifa also dedicates her time as a volunteer for Ehtiwaa, a non-profit organization that provides clothing and essential items to those in need. She will apply for the MPhil in Development Studies at Oxford.
Mohammed Alwelyee is a senior at Boston University majoring in biomedical engineering with a concentration in nanotechnology. He is currently conducting research on novel strategies to promote neural tissue regeneration following traumatic central nervous system injury. He has worked on the Saudi healthcare system as an intern with PricewaterhouseCoopers, he is the president of the Boston University Saudi Cultural Club, and in his free time, he enjoys playing football, hiking, and rock climbing. He will apply for the MSc in Engineering Science at Oxford.
Yosef Bukhari received an Honours Bachelor of Social Sciences in Political Science from the University of Ottawa in 2021 and his MA in International Affairs from the George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Affairs in 2023. He is currently working as a Political Officer at the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Washington, D.C. Also passionate about art and literature, Yosef is founder and co-president of the Abqar Art Collective based in Saudi Arabia. He intends to apply for the DPhil in International Relations, focusing on nuclear deterrence and nuclear force structuring.  

Dr Elizabeth Kiss, CEO of the Rhodes Trust, said: “We are excited to see the tremendous talents of this year’s Rhodes Scholars Elect, who come from countries all around the world. We know from 120 years of bringing exceptional people to Oxford to study and build a dynamic global community, that when unlikeminded but likehearted people come together, we can forge brighter futures for individuals and the world.”

Professor Christian Sahner, National Secretary of the Rhodes Scholarships for Saudi Arabia, said: “Haifa, Mohammed, and Yosef are all exceptional young people and richly deserving of this fantastic opportunity. The selection committee was very impressed by their past achievements and confident of the positive impact they will have on Saudi Arabia and the world at large going forward.”

The Trust is committed to ensuring that the world’s diversity of background and thought is reflected at Rhodes House, which has expanded the Rhodes Scholarship to include Global Scholarships and new constituencies in recent years, including West Africa, East Africa, China, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Malaysia, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon & Palestine and the United Arab Emirates.

The applications for the 2025 Rhodes Scholarships will open in June 2024. More information about the Scholarship application be found at:

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