I believe in the inherent goodness and sincerity of people. They generally want to do good and achieve.
People want to realise the best of their capabilities but seldom know how to succeed. So they work and they struggle. They push and they pull, they fight and they plead and then by some fate of luck they either succeed or they don't.
Achieving organisational or group success is even more daunting with numerous people along with their individual strengths and weaknesses, their biases wants and their fears all mixed up to make any endeavour challenging.
This is the science and art of management that need to come into place. Good leaders either instinctively or by their own experiences know how to get people to come together, work together and achieve success.
We often do not have the time nor the resources to burn whilst we are obtaining the experience and learning the right lessons. This is why management education is useful for achieving success.
People are generally good, sincere and willing to support a challenge, however, the nature of individuals and organisations is to place so many deliberate or unintended roadblocks and hurdles to collective and synchronised performance.
One of leadership's main responsibilities is to minimise the hurdles for team members whilst maximising support so that ordinary people can perform extraordinarily well to achieve goals and objectives.
I often use the 4S approach to achieve management success.
Why management? Because every endeavour requires the efforts of individuals and collectives to manage resources to achieve success.
The 4S are,
Every leader is a unique creature. No two individuals nor leader is identical, but they can be somewhat similar in the approach they may take.
Leaders have their own unique way of thinking and acting. Their manner and values are unique. They adopt a style and if they wish to succeed as leaders of their organisation they need to communicate their approach, values, beliefs, etc. to their team members.
Some leaders are aggressive others are passive, some bully some seduce, some leaders depend on rewards to motivate whilst others punish to get results.
In a sense they set the framework for an organisational culture which we can call 'organisational style' that emanates from the leadership at the top. However, as we go further down the organisational levels we will witness individual leadership styles of people heading various departments and functions which are bound to be unique. However, their style has to synchronise with or at least not negate the overall style of the organisation, otherwise, there will be disharmony in the teams and in the organisation.
Devolution of style is crucial.
How do we successfully communicate and convert team members to adopt the leadership's chosen style?
That dear readers is the topic for another article.
As regards the other three pillars of management success Strategy, Structure and Systems, for the sake of brevity will also need to follow shortly in separate articles.
#beliefs #leadership #management #organisation #strategy #structure #style #success #systems #team #values #WorldClass
Ref: G0893