At the end of February, St Chris Year 6 students had their Enterprise Day. We were delighted with our Y6 students for all the skills and learning they displayed in organising themselves and independently making their products which were purchased by staff and students.
The money raised from this 'Enterprise' was over BD 2,600 and has just been spent on buying over 2,000 hot meals for migrant workers here in Bahrain. In the past month or so, every Y6 class has travelled to a construction site and distributed these meals into the hands of very grateful workers.
We are very proud that the children have seen this process through from start to finish: from getting into groups - thinking about a product to make - designing and making the product - selling the product and then literally giving out the meals that their money has raised!
A wonderful experience and process for the children to have completed - Enterprise, Service and Charity. It just shows what mature, empathetic and dedicated young people this school is nurturing.