Haven by Andaleeb.A.K


Come to my planet, a home away from home, a world of love, warmth, and affection. Here, you'll find helping hands guiding you in every step, no judgments or envy exist. Every tear has a shoulder to drop and every soul has a place that belongs.

Come to my planet, a realm of magical and mystical creatures, completely unique. A world filled with lush greenery and fragrant, radiant flowers blooming. Where the sky has mesmerizing shades of pink, red, and blue.

Come to my planet, where the mighty ocean and sea are like calming voices. Every bird sings beautiful melodies to ease every aching heart. The soft breeze touches you like a soft hug.

Come to my planet, a safe haven where every parent can sleep peacefully knowing their child is safe without the fear of bombs raining down on them. Every child doesn't have to shed a tear beside their parents' grave. Their laughter echoes throughout, and innocent smiles melt your heart. Where food is in abundance and doesn't drop from the sky. A place where warmongers and tyrants don't exist.

Come to my planet, a safe haven for all. Once you come, you will be at peace and won't want to leave at all.

I wrote this poem down with the thought of the Palestinian people in mind . What's happening is beyond horrific and senseless. No one deserves this amount of death and destruction especially babies and childeren đź’” The trauma they have endured and have been enduring will take a lifetime to heal or maybe never . Please remember them in your prayers and all the other war torn countries. 

Illustrations for this poem is AI generated.

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