MENA Takes Centre Stage in furthering Multi Stakeholder Ocean Conservation and Sustainable Blue Economy Dialogues

the leading social enterprise promoting sustainability and climate action across the region, is hosting its 2nd Annual MENA Oceans Summit at Westin Dubai Mina Seyahi.

The event will host a diverse range of stakeholders to discuss ocean health under 4 key pillars: Blue Economy, Blue Governance, Blue Science and Blue Collective to foster dialogue and collaborative action.

This is a milestone event in the lead up to UNOC 2025, gathering regional perspectives; building on outcomes from the 2023 MENA Oceans summit and COP28.    

HE Razan Al Mubarak, UN Climate Change High-Level Champion, COP28 and IUCN President highlights “By bringing together diverse stakeholders, the MENA Oceans Summit serves as a unique platform that helps advance our collective understanding and foster regional collaboration to address the key marine issues pertinent to the MENA region. It's a crucial gathering that supports our ongoing environmental commitments and acknowledges the sea's integral role in the cultural and economic fabric of our region.”

MENA Oceans Summit 2024 is under the patronage of the UAE Ministry of Climate Change and Environment, his HE Dr Mohammed AlHammadi, Assistant Undersecretary for Biodiversity sector, who is doing an opening address stated: “Marine ecosystems are integral to the social, cultural, and environmental tapestry of the UAE and continue to play a vital role in the nation’s economic development. The fisheries industry and aquaculture are important pillars of our economy, as well as a source of livelihood, biodiversity and food security. Therefore, conserving and protecting the seas is of paramount importance to us.

“The Ministry of Climate Change and Environment is committed to driving action to tackle climate change and preserve ocean health. We are working to boost the regulatory, legislative, and financial frameworks to foster sustainable marine ecosystems and driving the nation’s blue economy. 

“The MENA Oceans Summit is a key platform for forging dialogue and facilitating collaboration among sectors, stakeholders, and policymakers. Sharing regional perspectives, experiences and best practices will contribute to discussions at the UN Ocean Conference next year and help forge meaningful action on a global level.”

Tatiana Antonelli Abella, Founder of Goumbook and Chair of MENA Oceans Summit, highlights “As a society, we must recognize our profound dependence on nature, which generously provides the resources essential for our survival, well-being, and prosperity. At the heart of this interconnected web lies the ocean—the cradle of life. Collaborating with nature and safeguarding our oceans is not just an option; it’s an imperative for the benefit of future generations. Responsible stewardship and collective action are urgent. Without a thriving ocean, humanity’s existence, health, and prosperity would be imperilled. As stewards of this precious resource, it is our duty to protect and preserve it. The ocean’s paramount importance underscores our shared responsibility in ensuring its health.”

The MENA Oceans Summit has two pivotal goals designed to reshape our engagement with ocean health on a global stage, Forging Cross-Border Collaboration for Targeted Solutions: Recognizing the intricate tapestry of challenges facing our oceans, MEAN Oceans Summit is committed to breaking down barriers and building bridges across geopolitical boundaries and sectoral silos. The event serves as a dynamic platform for fostering collaboration and sharing knowledge among nations, industries, academia, and non-profits within the region. Through this concerted effort, we aim to co-create and implement solutions that are not only innovative but also deeply relevant to the regional context.

Cultivating and Elevating a Collective Regional Voice: At the heart of the Summit is the ambition to unify and amplify the voices of diverse stakeholder groups across the region. By fostering a strong, collective regional presence, the initiative aims to significantly enhance our influence and participation in international efforts dedicated to ocean conservation. This strategic alignment of regional perspectives seeks not only to assert our stance but also to ensure that our unique insights and needs are adequately represented in the global dialogue on ocean health.

Talia Sherrard, Regional Director Strategic Sales and Marketing, Middle East and India, FUGRO a summit partner mentions, "The future of our oceans depends on our ability to innovate and collaborate. By embracing the latest advancements in Geo-data and fostering partnerships across sectors, we can achieve a profound impact on ocean health and sustainability in the MENA region and beyond."
A key feature of the summit will be industry deep dives, round table strategic discussions with key stakeholders across industry value chains. These deep dives will identify challenges, innovations and opportunities that could turn the tide for the sector's impact on ocean ecosystems.

Insights and the outcome papers will capture key insights from across Summit and deep dive sessions to feed into discussion with key partners in the lead up to UNOC 2025.

DP World who are convening the shipping and maritime deep dive highlights, "At DP World, we are committed to fostering healthy and resilient marine ecosystems through innovative solutions and strong partnerships for ocean restoration and protection. The MENA Oceans Summit is a vital platform for promoting cross-border collaboration and advancing action towards ocean health globally. We are proud to support this event, which aligns with our dedication to a sustainable blue economy. Together, we can forge a future where marine ecosystems thrive and contribute to global prosperity." - Sultan Ahmed bin Sulayem - Group Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of DP World

Strategy& are convening the MENA Conservation Projects and Blue Tech deep dive. Menelaos Megariotis, Principal, Energy, Resources and Sustainability, Strategy&, says, “Oceans combine unique environmental importance, scientific potential, and cultural significance, necessitating a multi-stakeholder rally for their exploration and conservation. MENA Oceans is set to enable this crucial collaboration, and Strategy& is proud to be at the forefront of this effort, building upon our extensive focus on the region's ocean exploration and conservation.”

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