Save Your Feet, Skip the Heat, and Hit the Road

Summer in the region can be scorching, and we’re right in the thick of it. But that’s not to say you have to miss out on a number of attractions – particularly those indoors – that the emirates have to offer. With Careem Rides’ reliable, convenient, and stress-free commuting, you can explore the UAE's ‘must see’ and hidden gems without the hassle of driving, parking, or even needing a license.

Dubai has long been the home of world record attractions, and top things to do, but the rest of the emirates are no strangers to fun experiences, with each having more than enough sights and sounds to warrant a visit. Moving between emirates needn’t be a hassle, either. Careem’s City-to-City service is the best travel hack for navigating between emirates with ease, affordability, and at the push of a button, while with Careem’s 5- or 10-hour Personal Captain, you eliminate the need to book multiple rides, ensuring a smooth, continuous exploration of your desired destinations.

Once you have booked or scheduled your ride, wheels are reserved and destination decided, you’re going to need to know where to go and what to do. Careem’s got you covered there, too.

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