Sometimes it's better to ask for forgiveness rather than permission

Communist China since its inception has been in conflict with India over territory. Each building infrastructure to gain an advantage over the other.

Chinese preparations have far surpassed India's preparations for managing conflict mainly because of political and bureaucratic inertia.

The Indian armed forces however have not been complacent and have opposed Chinese transgressions as best as they can with some success.

Indian Air Marshal PK Barbora

Against that backdrop in 2008 when the late Air Marshal PK Barbora, became 'the commander in chief of the western air command' he noted that India desperately needed a functioning advanced airbase near the Chinese border in Ladakh. This was a major weakness in Indian defence and deployment capabilities. There was however a disused airbase very near potential conflict zones at Daulat Beg Oldi just 8 km from the Chinese border. It was very hostile terrain and an earthquake had shut down this landing strip in 1966. At an altitude of 5,100 mtrs, it is the highest airstrip in the world.

Like some of his former colleagues, before him had done, Barbora sought urgent permission to reactivate the airstrip. But the Air Force never received any answer from New Delhi. Three previous Air Chiefs had rejected the idea of activating the airstrip because of the many serious challenges that would need to be overcome.

Bureaucrats and politicians could not decide nor endorse a course of action regarding the airstrip at DBO.

An undaunted Barbora got the mud airstrip ready in record time with the help of the Army, after receiving a go-ahead from the Commander in Chief in Delhi. Rather cleverly but making it appear as a lapse, Barbora kept the political and bureaucratic leadership out of the loop.

On May 31 2009 an Antonov AN32 aircraft with Barbora on board made the historic landing to demonstrate what the Indian Army and Air Force could achieve. This paved the way for augmenting Indian defence capabilities and set the basis for establishing three more high-altitude advanced airbases.

On 20 August 2013, a C-130J Super Hercules transport aircraft landed in Daulat Beg Oldi demonstrating India's capability to rapidly deliver heavy equipment, supplies and troops to the highest conflict zone in the world.

Subsequent forays by Chinese forces into India to grab strategic land and positions were more than effectively repelled thanks to using the DOB airbase to mobilise and support Indian troops, giving China a bloody nose and containing its hegemonic ambitions.

Unfortunately, Air Marshal PK Barbora who passed on in 2023, was pursued for a long time by his detractors in the bureaucracy for his 'stepping out of line' and bruising their egos Thankfully he valued his duty to the nation


Leaders should lead and juniors should obey and follow.
Capable people with responsibilities are invariably slowed down or severely handicapped by people who retain all authority and or control resources.

Visualise a typical organisational problem.
You need to get something important done urgently. You seek permission from higher authorities to act. Dithering takes place and either no decision is given to proceed. You are responsible and see the situation as untenable, you feel compelled to do something. What do you do?

You have three possible options
1. Do nothing
2. Hold fort and plead repeatedly for permission and or resources
3. Act without permission and finding resources from elsewhere

The result-oriented person knows that timing is crucial for any endeavour and acts decisively. So he acts. They know it is easier to beg for forgiveness than to ask for permission

Of the above-listed options, only the third one can deliver the desired result. If results are favourable and the objectives met then the successful person usually receives recognition and reward. If the endeavour fails it becomes a good time to review career options or even write a book.



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