A broken mirror (Lithesha, U18)

I did not know the woman standing in front of me. She was clad in an emerald ball gown bequeathed with infinite, infinitesimal specks of glitter that fell below her dainty, pale feet with a three-metre long trail.

Oh, how I gasped in awe at those immaculately carved, frighteningly long yet thin blood red oval nails that leered at me with pride. This ethereal, regal being was the definition of beauty. That was quite a contrast to the glum, meagre being I was.

I must admit, I envied this otherworldly entity for many reasons. She had the consistent impeccable grades that any typical Asian parent, such as my very own ‘gifted’ set of parents, would have wanted. She had the heavenly looks of a Greek goddess itself, clad in garments that hugged every inch of her body. Her looks were magnets, luring every pair of eyes towards her. She had the confidence of a lioness that growled and roared with assertion and affirmation to voice out its opinions against those who dared go against it. But was this really who she truly was? Or was there something darker to her that lurked within the innermost, teetering realms of her head that she never dared reveal to the public?

After all, she was perfect, wasn’t she?

Or were these ‘impeccable’ grades because of the relentless pressures these people who were supposedly her parents placed upon her? Were these godly looks all because of the relentless vegan diets and workout routines she had to follow?

Was this confidence she exuded all because she wanted to convince everyone of her mental stability?

I truly did not know and would never proceed to know the woman standing in front of me behind those blurry, broken shards of glass. 

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