The Forest (Lithesha, U18)

Tender dewdrops are strewn on the dainty, gleaming emerald-green surfaces of the Fuchsia leaves that bow down subtly in humility, graciously welcoming me into their universe.

The dewdrops, carved delicately like glass orbs ready to foretell my unbeknownst near-future, slide merrily onto my hand like a group of boisterous children at an amusement park slide.

A steady gust of wind cradles and caresses me into its tender arms that are as comforting as a satin-woven quilt. As the wind spurs the minuscule, mauve Fuchsia flowers and beaming yellow marigolds bathing in the Sun’s heavenly halo, they awaken from their deep slumber, groggily waving at me while rocking back and forth against my foot to gain my unwavering attention.

The leaves and branches of trees rustle and tussle in the breeze, chanting their melodies rhythmically as a horde of mellow, ochre-brown nightingales mingle, reciting their own, orchestrated musical notes with their heavenly chirps.

My body tingles in amazement and wonder as I witness Nature’s ethereal orchestra in action, crafting intricate musical pieces impromptu with a level of musical talent and synchrony that no other entity could compare to. Nature truly has no boundaries to its wonders.

What more would we have to find? 

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