"Never Be Alone"
As I look at all the unimaginable number of stars: I see hope, I see light and I am at peace knowing that I would never be alone fighting for the silent battles.
The depression... The feelings of severe sadness which is known by many people. But in reality it is the situation that I can perceived it has a dreary, that emerged throughout my behaviors and emotions. It was the event that happening from the past, a traumatic experienced that linger over and over again.
Like the massive stars in the sky that lives in a billions years, I am a survivor of this horrendous experienced. And like a tiny star that surrounded with many wonderful stars in the sky. I am also surrounded with many wonderful people who genuinely and unconditionally understand my sufferings.
That Someone...
Someone who always there for me
Someone who finds a way to turn my sadness into joy
Someone who finds a way to turn my fears into confidence
Someone who wipe away my tears
Someone who filled my emptiness
Someone who fixed my inner imperfections
Someone who listens to my agony
Someone who helps me to feel that life is worth living and
Someone who believes in me that I can get through this.
And yes I got tired, weary, suddenly frustrated and almost giving up but because of these beautiful people I could have endured it. They are the stars that give light into my darkest life, that give hope and courage to fight this battle..
And for those fighting their battles in silence. We will never be alone. Never! Never walk alone in the journey of life. That there's still someone whom I can call a friend. A friend that gives shines in our darkness time and became a God's instrument to find the silver lining of this traumatic experienced.