I have lived in the GCC for over eighteen years, and I’ve come to know the relentless heat that dominates our days. The sun blazes down for most of the year, but there’s a peculiar twist during the winter months. For two to three months, the weather shifts, bringing cooler temperatures that can feel unsettling.
During this time, the air becomes dry, and while it might seem refreshing, it often disrupts our daily lives. If we turn off the AC to enjoy the coolness, the heat quickly becomes unbearable. Yet, if we keep the AC running, the chill can be too much, especially for the children, who tend to catch colds in this dry, cool air.
To navigate this tricky season, we’ve found a few strategies to keep our home comfortable:
Adjust the Thermostat: Instead of turning off the AC completely, we set it to a higher temperature. This maintains a comfortable environment without making it too cold.
Use Humidifiers: Adding a humidifier helps combat the dryness and keeps the air more comfortable for everyone, especially the kids.
Layer Clothing: We dress in layers. A light sweater can make it easier to adapt to the fluctuating temperatures inside and outside.
Stay Active: Engaging in indoor activities keeps us warm and entertained, making it easier to forget about the chill.
Warm Drinks: We enjoy hot beverages like herbal tea or warm milk, which not only comforts but also helps maintain body warmth.
Through these small adjustments, we’ve learned to embrace the quirks of winter in the GCC, finding a balance that keeps us cozy and healthy.