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Pakistan Urdu School

Registered On: 17-01-2023 - Last Updated On: 11-06-2024







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Eid Mubarak! #pakistanurduschool #urduschoolbh #kingdomofbahrain

Pakistan Urdu School – Middle Section. Science PBL presentations allowed the students to showcase their knowledge, creativity, and critical thinking abilities. They shared their findings and explained the science behind their topics. Grade 3: Exploring Simple Machines: In Grade 3, the students presented a Science PBL (Project-Based Learning) presentation on simple machines. They had the opportunity to learn about different types of simple machines, such as levers, pulleys, wheels, and axles. Through hands-on activities and research, the students gained a deeper understanding of how these simple machines work and how they can be creatively applied. Grade 4: Raising Awareness about Diabetes: Grade 4 students chose to raise awareness about diabetes as part of their Science PBL presentation. They researched Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, its causes, and its effects on the human body. Additionally, they created informative presentations about the prevention and treatment of diabetes. Through their presentations, the students aimed to promote a healthy lifestyle and raise awareness about the disease. Grade 5: Electricity and Magnetism: In Grade 5, the Science PBL presentation focused on electricity and magnetism. They learned about conductors and insulators, circuits, and electromagnetism. Grade 6: Conversion of Energy In Grade 6, the Science PBL presentation focused on the concept of energy conversion. Energy conversion plays a crucial role in meeting our energy needs efficiently. Students explored the conversion of solar energy, wind power, and other sustainable energy sources. #pakistanurduschool #urduschoolbh #kingdomofbahrain

Pakistan Urdu School – Middle Section – The English Department organized an opportunity for students to present their projects for the 3rd term, academic year 2023-24. GRADE 3: The Topic was ‘Pen Your Emotions’. The main objective of this project was to make the students personalize each message and confidentially share their thoughts with their loved ones. All students participated, adapted the ideas, and created color cards, penning down their thoughts. Students are aware of the importance of reading more to use catchy vocabulary to make their mark on each card; and drafting messages. Lastly, we have seeded the thought that a pen can make a person's day, motivate a person, show the importance of in one's life, or bring a smile to one's life with the best words. GRADE 4: The topic was a Cleanliness Awareness Campaign. The PBL was done under 3 sub-topics: 1. Personal Hygiene 2. Clean Surroundings 3. Environmental Hygiene They prepared posters and badges and raised awareness among students during break time. Students enjoyed the PBL. GRADE 5 Students of Grade 5 have made their PBLs on the topic “The Value of Collecting Things”. Students have embarked on a journey to explore the wonders of collecting things. Each of them has delved into the world of collecting, discovering collections that are not only valuable and useful but also incredibly fascinating. They’ve Discussed the concept of collecting and how it adds value to our lives. Shared stories of how collecting has been a hobby for many people throughout history. Explored the practical uses of the items collected by them and Highlighted how these collections can serve a purpose in our daily lives and how they can be beneficial. GRADE 6 The topic for PBL was 'Advertisement'. In this project, students polished 21st-century skills like collaboration and teamwork along with entrepreneurship. They used effective means to advertise and promote any product of their choice to attract customers. It helped them learn the importance of advertising in any business. Students made models of advertising different products. #pakistanurduschool #urduschoolbh #kingdomofbahrain

#pakistanurduschool #urduschoolbh #kingdomofbahrain

Happy Teachers Day Pakistan Urdu School Kingdom of Bahrain

PKUS Senior section boys

Ramadan Blessings programme

Middle Section of Pakistan Urdu School arranged the third PTM

Sports Day Senior Section, Pakistan Urdu School

Bahrain National Sports Day, Pakistan Urdu School middle section

Pakistan Urdu School, Primary Section celebrated Bahrain Sports Day

Annual Sports Events of Middle Section

Pakistan Urdu School recycling

Pakistan Urdu School celebrated the International Day of Education

Cleanliness and the Five Pillars of Islam


Morning Assembly

Pakistan Urdu School Primary section


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