Author Details


Registered On: 27-01-2020 - Last Updated On: 27-01-2020







Author's Latest Articles

The joy of wildlife

I want that one …

GDN Media team at the Arab Summit Media Centre

Eliza in her Bahraini dress

Bahraini style girl

Top of the table

Pampered pooch

Eid Mubarak

Happy Easter!

Fat or thin, I love my son. Happy birthday, Louis!

Who’s stealing my golf balls?

Happy birthday son

Lunch time


AFS meeting

Ready for the big tee-off!

New doll on sale


Farewell to Gulf Weekly editor Mai

November 2023 Short Story Winners

Working again

Sarah head of comms UK Embassy visit to GDN

Winter fun in the UK

We only swing when we’re winning

Boys on the town

Irish eyes are smiling with Susan

Eliza’s first school photo

For Sale

All set for the AMH Island Classic 2022

Happy 3rd birthday Eliza

Wedding bash #GarciaHoldingMashup

Find the 12 hidden things

GDN Media in support of Think Pink Bahrain

Plant life in Sanabis

My Chinese loan car needs a sub-editor

Robot server at new Costa

Ritz-Carlton, Bahrain and Bentley dynamics

The diet challenge

Farewell to supersub Shyam S K

Mighty McLaren

Election time


Theatre date

Short story contest winners in May

Night out with the girls

Downtown Rotana appreciation party

Video: Monkey business 2

Video: Monkey business 1

Positive post

Zahid in the house

Radio star Ben visits the GDN newsroom


What do you see?

Special discount tea towels

Proud dad

New hairstyle

FI fever

Horsing about

Word is out

Girl power


Spanish delights at the Ritz-Carlton, Bahrain

10km run

Happy St Valentine’s Day


Want one?

Don’t miss After Life on Netflix

Tasty treat

Purple (or is it brown?) princess

Mohammed is a Gashead thanks to Santa

One metre, please

Spook House at Big Texas BBQ Juffair


Celebrating first byline

Welcome to beautiful baby Alyana Jalal - born on Monday

Opening night

Riding high

Sushi Bar launch

Best be prepared

Special day

Arab sand cat

Up up and away

Video: Fictional Star Ship size comparison

It looks like a bird, but it's a flower ... Magnolia Liliflora

Rare photograph of stork delivering baby

VIDEOS: Oman rainstorm

What do you see?


VIDEO: Homing eagle

Something to chew over

Hand-crocheted stick insect

Looking forward to a country walk in the UK

A magnificent view of the moon in the Alps at 4800m

Thank Evans!

Beach glass

Birthday girl

All your pain in one video

2020 continues ...

2020 continues

2020 continued

2020 ... the series

Best email of the day: Make America Poop Great Again

Only Fools and Horses street art appears on real Nelson Mandela House

Beats getting the train

VIDEO: Paper wasp

Singalong with Tyson!

Birthday Boy Baloo!

The Whisperer Returns


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