Author Details

Armaan Bin Awaz, Bahrain Indian School

Registered On: 21-10-2023 - Last Updated On: 18-07-2024







Written two books, Armaan Bin Awaz is an eleven-year-old author and the founder of the Vedic movement, who lectures and writes on science and innovates with alternative methods to studies and have conducted workshops for students on quantum physics and ayurveda along been interviewed by GDN Mai. He had won titles and appreciations, with this community he hopes to talk, innovate and teach the Vedic Movement. Studying in Bahrain Indian School, Armaan with the channel would cover quantum physics for grade six to eight and is working on building a community with the help of you! Targets of the Vedic Movement is to innovate, liquidate illiteracy in India and the World, quality education and promote learning with help of NCERT and boards. With support of program Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat, this community innovates contributions to science and develop alternative methods to mathematics. With respect to that, if you would want to engage in this community, click to the GDN Website.

Author's Latest Articles

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Quantum Computing? NCERT Prep Pointers

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