1. In what shape are bowling pins set up?
A Diamond B Circle C Square or D Triangle
2. What does the abbreviation FBI stand for?
A Foreign B Fellow C Federal or D First
3 . Who or what would be put in a bassinet?
A Babies B Kittens C Flowers or D Wine
4. What is the name for a sharp bend in the road?
A Hairclip B Hairpin C Hairslide or D Hairpiece
5. What does a philatelist collect?
A Photographs B Autographs C Stamps or D Wine Labels
6 A truffle is what kind of living thing?
A Moss B Cactus C Tree or D Fungus
7. Who played Robin in the 1997 film Batman and Robin?
A Matthew McConaughey B Keanu Reeves C Leonardo Di Caprio or D Chris O’Donnell
8. What does the B stand for in the abbreviation BSE?
A Bull B Beef C Bullock or D Bovine
9. Which country is best associated with the Foreign Legion?
A Russia B Italy C France or D Morocco
10. In what country was Florence Nightingale born?
A Italy B Indonesia C India or C Iceland