The American Women’s Association (Bahrain) is a non-profit organization founded to further relations among all women residing in Bahrain and to promote Bahraini and International friendship.
We are a dynamic group of women from all over the world that functions as a social, cultural and charity organization. We currently have 150 members from more than 40 countries. While helpful in settling in new expat women in Bahrain, we also have a very active membership that not only participates in different interest groups, but also volunteers to help. AWA contributes to more than 35 non-profit organizations and individuals in Bahrain each year.
Our objectives are to unite women in Bahrain for friend¬ship and cooperation; pro¬mote under¬stand¬ing amongst women of dif¬fer¬ent nationalities; enhance the cul¬tural and social com¬mu¬ni¬ca¬tion among members; and most of all, serve the community.