Short Story Midhun Milton's "For Cassie From Peter" - U18 entry

Dear Cassie,
I don't know why I'm writing this but I feel like it's time to do this. Ever since I was born I didn't savour much in the toys or playing, pretty much was not that fun type of a kid. It was at the age of 6, that I started to talk and as you can say my real adventurehood started but I was a socially awkward person. I always felt embarassed by others and always tried to get away. For me school was not very easy when I was in high school. But life suddenly took a turn when I met Cassie who was different from the others. Though I never tried to confide with anyone because I never could (I thought), she knew something more about me than I know about myself. Though I tried to get away from others, she would always run behind me and try to cheer me up. We used to have some good talks after school. I liked her. It was FUN for the first time (I thought), but destiny was not on our side.

The Trust
One day, Jeff was bullying Cassie and I couldn't hold back. I tried to hit him but I missed, he tried to hit me but he didn't miss. Then it was just like in the movies. I started to bleed and fell unconsciously. I was admitted in the first aid room. When I got up from my cot, Cassie was sitting on the bench, sobbing, "Why you're crying, it's not your fault?" I said as I running towards her. "It is and always my fault!" she cried. I consoled her, exchanged some good jokes and brought her back to life. From then, she was always by my side, she supported me when I needed, in times of sadness, anxiety and whatever all I had witnessed in my life. She was my soulmate.

Some weeks later.....
It was the 'Silver Jubilee Anniversary Of Talent Fest'. I had enrolled in a singing competition. At first, I hesitated because I didn't believe in myself. I was still escaping from that reality. I couldn't muster up the courage but I enrolled only because Cassie believed in me. When it was time to sing, the only person on my mind was Cassie. I gave the best I could and few days later, found out that I had won the competition.

At the Award Ceremony
It was a wholesome moment for me and my family but most of all it would be for Cassie. I wouldn't win if it wasn't for her. As I was receiving my award, many joyful tears flooded Cassie's face. I felt proud of myself.

Few days later....
It was too hard to comprehend that I had been selected as the lead vocalist of our school band since I won the competition. I couldn't believe when I heard this exciting news. It felt like my time to escape from my fears were over. I felt free. I felt excited and the first person whom I wanted to tell this was to Cassie. I came to her home with this exciting news but she wasn't there. I called her many times but couldn't reach her.

As I was walking by the street, a deep thought provoking tune was mauling around me. I felt like something terrible was about to happen. Suddenly, I saw a car accident right infront of my eyes. I called 911 for emergency. I ran as fast as I could to the scene. When I leaned over the car window, I couldn't believe what I saw, it was Cassie with blood flowing from her head. Now, I can say it was a tragic accident. The image was so disturbing that I covered my face. As the police officers and many medical helpers arrived, it turned into a big scene. She was admitted in the ICU. The doctor tried so many ways.

Few hours later....
The doctor told me that her father survived but Cassie couldn't. I was despaired. It was at that moment I felt that my whole world was shrinking. I felt speechless. I cried once, twice, many times but, the more I cried the more worst it got. I was trying to outgrow myself but now I feel that it has lost its meaning.

At the Funeral
When she was kept in the coffin, I could only see tragedy and sorrow. It was when I realized that when accidents happen to people whom you love the most, it is called a tragedy. Though I'm in so much grief, it will never bring me back my Cassie (I thought). I gave my heart touching eulogy as a sorrowful friend. A scar of pain had cut through everyone's face as I was giving my eulogy. She was buried with my eulogy note as a tribute.

My Eulogy
Sometimes life is really unfair. Though I'm in so much grief, it will never bring me back my "Cassie". Cassie always told me that if you're having a bad day, don't remember about the past just let it go. She helped me overcome my fears. She taught me many moral values. When I didn't have a voice, she was my voice.

As I was leaving, her father ran towards me and hugged me saying "If my daughter died, she had died happily because of you".

With lots of love,

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I am a student of The Asian School of Bahrain studying in 11th. I love to write poems, stories, essays and many more. I also do love to paint and d ....Read more


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