Author Details


Registered On: 28-09-2021 - Last Updated On: 13-03-2024







Nivedita Roy resides in Bahrain. She  is a teacher by profession, bilingual poetess , recipient of

* INDEPENDENCE DAY GLOBAL LITERARY HONORS  on the 76th  Independence Day Literary award 2022 by Motivational and Gujarat Sahitya Academy, under the Government of Gujarat.

*Independence Day Literary Honors 2021 awards by Motivational Strips,

*the Rabindranath Tagore Memorial Honor 2022 jointly by MS and Sipay National Property of Department of Culture, Seychelles

*Mahadevi Verma Memorial Samman and

*Nari Ratna Samman 2022

*Sahityakosh Samman 2022 for excellence in Literary Endeavors

She won July's GDNlife Adult short story competition for her  entry 'Honour killing' in Bahrain.

She is the author of 5 solo books and has co authored approximately 30 anthologies.Her writings are published in many newspapers and sites in India, Bahrain, Egypt, Argentina, Spain, Africa and US . She is the Moderator for the Bahrain office of Motivational strips.

She is the founder of a page called Nexpressions on Fb .

Author's Latest Articles

Forest fire

Holding my pink blush among the greens

Palm trees show resilience to the summer sun

Summer is here

Facing the heat @Reef Island

Keep shining

May Day Blooms

Adult Entry - The real heroes

Dark hours are here

Overcast sky

God’s Mercy

Ramadan Kareem Sitra causeway

Plagued Love - Adult entry for March ( dedicated to the medical profession) She was torn apart with her handicap to balance her professional and personal life. The Hippocratic oath masked all other thoughts. The surge of patients in the hospital was rising by the hour. She was caged with ailing and infected patients. Her physical being was trapped in the ppt kit but her thoughts lingered between her loved ones and her duty. She was on the verge of breaking down and running away from all this ‘call of duty’ jargon. She overheard a few colleagues in conversation with indistinguishable tones of fear and complaints. Even the system was helpless against this fury of nature and wide spreading virus. The medical staff and team were under immense pressure. Yet we were the only hope against the fury of this monstrous virus. Her heart was heavy with guilt of leaving her spouse and her baby at home . She had not been home since a fortnight! Today she felt remorse for all those times she threw a tantrum at home, argued with him, hurt his feelings by vocalizing her regret of marrying him. How could she be so ruthless ? He stood by her in this crisis, her emotional war of choosing her duty over family. What were his thoughts at this moment? Is he regretting his decision too ? Is he going to be her forever knight in shining armor? She had been sitting in the canteen over a tepid cup of tea lost in her din of emotions. Her cell phone buzzed . It was her “only moral support”, her spouse. They conversed for a while and she felt a wave of calmness engulf her . His assurance to look after their child well,his faith in her capabilities, his love for her made her feel better. His words rang in her ears , his caressing voice made her nostalgic. She wanted to cuddle in those strong arms. She wanted his warm breath on her crowning glory. She wondered if she would ever have those moments again. Will she leave the hospital alive ? Her only solace remained that he loved her and her precious off spring was in safe hands. At this juncture she had to carry on till more help arrived and she would be able to go home for some rest and breather. There were many others like her who had chosen duty over safe confines of their hearth. She could feel their pangs of separation and stressing circumstances. She resolved to face the challenge with a renewed hope of going back soon with the precautions of isolation and regular tests. With masked face, warmth in the cockles of her heart and courage in her eyes she walked back to the ward to tend to her charges!

Sky In a ‘grey’ mood

‘Mis’-matched ( Adult entry for February 2024) Two mis- matched socks on a domestic help' s blistered feet were talking to each other. Spotted Green: “I miss my twin.. this feet is too rough for me.” Pink and Beige :” So do I .. but I am still thinking bout this feet I cover .. it’s blistered, it needs to rest “ Spotted Green:”I can’t wait I to be washed, the previous feet were soft and smooth, I loved the shoe .. I hate this broken slipper,yikes!” Pink and Beige :”this feet trudges and tires, you need to be kind to it, have a heart… green one.” Spotted Green:” my heart … I lost it to the shoe… I miss him” Pink and Beige :”forget him as beyond this you shall be a toy for the dog in the narrow lane here .. till you survive ! Spotted Green:” really ! No no … I need clean feet and a warm wash .” Pink and Beige : My new partner, let me be honest, this is the fact about sock life … it sucks.If you need to adjust and accommodate. We were born to cover, give warmth yet the choice of foot is not ours. I don’t know how much we shall last or be together, but as long as we are let’s smile through our holes ! These feet need us more than our previous owners. Are you game?” Spotted Green: “Yeah .. ohhk … I will try my best but tell me one thing , will this feet hurt each day ?” Pink and Beige: “ yes each day… each minute .. till some one gives’ her’ a half used tube or oil to care for the blisters.”

Solitude Andalus Garden


Bloom in gloom

Winters are here

The Azure

Through nature’s window

Different yet united

Coexistence is woven into the fabric of Bahrain

Adult entry for January 2024 - Murky Monday

Violet view

Bye bye 2023

It’s time to reflect positive vibes

Adult entry for December - Scream

Pearl of the Gulf

Grand Mosque

Prayer is a balm for pain and woes

United we stand

The Unread Letter (Adult Entry September)

Lunar eye spy

Golden hour at the Karbabad beach

Dusk at Karbabad Beach


Blushing sky

Sunset at Karbabad

Unrequited love

Crescent Moon welcomes Ramadan

Moon Jupiter Venus aligned

Bloom where you are planted ..

Cloudy Juffair

At 4:45 am!

Cloudy stingray

Standing tall amidst the ‘greys’

Fuzzy Friday

Sunset on January 1st 2023

Hazy good bye 2022

Dora the Dolphin (Adult category -December 2022)

Yalla Bahrain

Winter feels at Marina corniche

Yalla Bahrain, Diving into National day celebration at Dilmunia mall

Miles to go before we sleep ..

Dusk at Salmabad

Silver sheen at dawn

It is me time!

Dusky beauty

The Sun says :Time to enlighten the world

Sitra corniche

Jazzy Jasmine

Surviving in the heat

Honour Killing

Dusk on Friday


‘Palmed’ Sea



Purple Petunia survived the dust storm

Hope of a new life


Equestrians at Karbabad beach

Qalatal Fort

Solitary Reaper at Sitra Corniche

The shy Sun rays at Muharraq

Love Poem - by Nivedita Roy

Sky, land and Sea

Dust paints Bahrain

Aim Higher …

Past verses Present( Qalatal Fort )

Hazy chill morning

Friday Getaway

Good evening

Migratory birds

The sails on a Friday morning

Blue hues dotted with avifaunas

Thank God it’s Friday - Karbabad beach

The flight

Picnic day for birds at Karbabad Beach

New Year's Day at The Avenues

Bahrain National Day

The orange hues of the setting sun

Sunset at Al Dar

Model of a dhow at National Charter Monument

Let’s grow together!

Green Serene

Spa day for flamingos!

Flamingos at Zallaq Springs

At 4 am in Bahrain

Solid and liquid

The Lone survivor

Skirted or exposed?

Karbabad Beach - the blue hues

Move on, colorfully

The twin towers rising higher

The Twain shall never meet!


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