School kind of Success? U18 Entry by Armaan Bin Awaz

When day had dawn, I was up studying past six till eight near my school time. Why? My name is Armaan, and I could not say I was the smartest in academics. Where all the world’s scholars, I lack behind. Why? That doubt questions me.                                                              

Are geniuses born or are they made? I had always embraced my jolly self and thought me to always be intelligent. That was until grade four. Where all the world’s a stage, I sat and stared or more like envied those who get academic awards. Did not bother me but the fact they are popular and intelligent. As stereotyped or at least the reader I was, I heard geniuses are most introverts. I knew from an early age, I had to cross one road- the difficult or the easy road. I was neither popular nor intelligent.

I felt lost in society, and that day I wanted to become the smartest. At any question, my hand would shot up shouting the wrong answer, and there would be snickering and giggling behind me. A saying I heard, and I quote “Failure makes man better!” Oh really? As committed and as much study I did, I was failing. And a very common thing I hear “Don’t worry, you will win next time” I am tired of that. It had been two-year change.                               

What was I doing wrong? Oh yes! I am not out of the box. What I had been doing is the same man has been doing for survival. It took me two years to learn this principle. In grade six, I made my debut to society.                     

Declamation, tried out not very enthusiastically as in my books it said a genius is an introvert but I tried as that is what society stereotypes of a genius. I had gone up and down and now I said to myself ‘no merci’. As other would say pressure is not good, but I beat myself up seven hundred and two times desperately. I constantly envied others and regretted my past decisions. I would blame all of this on my parents why I was not smart. They did not pressure me or even care about my education I felt, only entertainment unlike other parents.

As I was saying, after giving up trying for two years and listening to the moonlight sonata, I gave a try to declamation. Won. Guess what, gave another try to poetry, Won. Gave a try to singing and I won. Joined speaking and won! Would not say it was a great accomplishment because it is not academic. But that gave me confidence, I forced myself to stress on exams, test and extracurriculars and found myself to win. Operation School kind of success. The next thing I knew, I was staring at large trophies, medals and certificates for academics and extracurriculars.  

Now popularity needs a go, at the first day of grade six. Did I forget to say I always had a passion for studies and go to higher grade concepts. Well, never passed exams that’s all until now. Not bragging. Anyway, I can say the society was gen alpha that I had to impress. Comedy! But what comedy won’t get me send to the principals office? I found the answer- slapstick comedy and sarcasm.                            

You know, its cool and all. Not bragging but the next thing I knew, I was the class clown.

Do I feel content? Now I would say uhmm…. No! Being the smartest with the greatest fan base in my school. Now I envy other people with greater achievements like publishing a book.

Next thing I knew, here I am authored a book and writing this. Do I feel content? Nope, I am sure there are people far intelligent than me. So in a way you could say I had two roads- one to popularity and the other to intelligence. With somewhat a sigh, I say took neither roads but with sticks and stones build my own road compromising! Operation School Success!

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Written two books, Armaan Bin Awaz is an eleven-year-old author and the founder of the Vedic movement, who lectures and writes on science and innov ....Read more


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