Detective - Chapter 3 & Chapter 4 (Shaurya) U18


After the mystic case of Nolan the taxi driver. Several more deaths were happening in the state of Florida. And the police had no idea who was the mastermind behind these homicides. They had no option but to assign a professional detective.

On the other hand the situation in Florida. A 19-year-old boy named Alex woke up with a cup of coffee and a half-eaten biscuit in Ohio when suddenly the doorbell rang. The boy thought it was the usual newspaper seller. But the moment he opened the door he found a letter sealed tightly and it was a stamp of the CIA and FBI. But why would he get a letter from the top headquarters of the police dept.?

But he wasn't surprised because he knew what was the intention of the letter. Actually, in the past, he worked as a cunning-minded detective in the AMERICAN POLICE DEPARTMENT. Believe me, even though he was just 19 his mind was of an experienced detective. The letter said "Detective we immediately need your cooperation. Please reach the given coordinates by evening.

(27.6648° N, 81.5158° W)

Order from the police department.

So without any second thought, he packed his bag and left a letter for his family that he would be back in 20 -30 days after the holidays in Florida with his college friends. He didn't want them to know that he was a detective working for the police.

He then booked the ticket for the earliest airline to reach Florida. And that was UNITED AIRLINES. By 10 past 6 in the evening he landed in Florida where a black color Mercedes SUV dropped him at the police headquarters.


Alex entered the headquarters and reached into the cabin of the chief to explain the situation in Florida. Mr. Hopkins (chief) asked the detective to take a seat. Alex sat down on one of the rotating chairs. Mr. Hopkins told him about what was going on in Florida. " Alex this is a serious one, there have been innumerable assassinations of citizens in the past 1 week." Said the chief. Alex was given an assistant to help him. He asked his assistant to collect some data about the murders.

After the investigation of a day or two, the assistant came to Alex. The data he found was weird. Every murdered body was found lying on the same highway that is interstate 4 and every body had a note tied to their toe which had life threatening warnings. But the unique thing was that the warnings were written with blood, with a signature.

Alex was confused as he had never seen such kinds of murder patterns. But he ordered his assistant to inform the cops to close Interstate 4 until the investigation was complete. He also told me to assign some policemen to the spot. Alex asked Peter (his assistant) to check whose signature it was.

The cops and people did the same.

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