If, I were to question the universe, I remark propositions which throughout history, people have looked around and have asked-
• What are these objects?
• Why do they move and change like that?
• Were they always there?
• What do they tell us about why we are here?
In NCERT Hollistic assessment as set by NCF-2022 guidelines, when we advance to physics- we question forces and particles. What we have learned in grade six, we have been thought on forces and particles. With these pointers, we assume to the universe that-
✓ Every location in space should behave the same way (homogeneity)
✓ Every direction in space should look the same way (isotropy)
With these propositions, we come to a picture of the universe to generally make note-
✓ is uniform in space
✓ starts with a Big Bang
✓ and then expands equally everywhere
Does god play dice? It is but a question to remark which was said by Einstein. Quantum computes to the scale of sub-atomic or atomic basis, what assumptions we have made of homogeneity and isotropy applied to the universe now becomes a singularity. To account the small things, in the atomic scale we could not set variables to it’s computing as it would not be determined. Quantum tunnelling, on quantum basis a state which could be said a particle or wave in respect to wave-duality theory and if a ball is signalled through a barrier with two holes, it would go through both holes at once at the same time. What about time and space?
E=mc2 (Energy= mass x speed of light), standing still an observer throws a rock over the embarkment, it would move in a certain trajectory. Yet, if you were a passenger on the train moving in high speed relative to the embarkment, the rock you throw would appear to fall sort of like in a parabola (curved two ends) shape. This theory shows the observations in respect to the time and space would have multiple objectives. So, in quantum mechanics just leave time! I did sound silly, but there is no time scale to the computing of quantum state or that is what is supposed to now.
With these points, we come to the uncertainty principle of Werner Heisenberg- suppose you are playing against a quantum computer gambling in the casino. A quantum computer that has to run three chips, you cannot calculate the probability- imagine a picture of a yellow coin that half it’s semi-circle is red, we cannot certain the probability. This is the uncertainty principle…...
There is dark matter, antimatter and quarks which are the fundamental particles in quantum mechanics. A wormhole, which are reactions or tensions- suppose the negative energy and dark matter we could have a coordinate time-loop, like quantum tunnelling.